AXW American.Xtreme.Wrestling

Barney Green

Vital Stats (Wrestling Information)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 320 lbs.
Nicknames/Allies: N/A
Entrance Music: Pop Muzik by M
Wrestling Style: Brawler
Alligment: Face

Vital Stats (Body Information)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Injuries: N/A
Body Type: Overweight

Finishing Move: Green Dream
Discription: Chicken Wing

Comming Soon....

Entrance Discription
Pop Muzik by M starts playing and we see Barney Green appear. He does a few disco moves and throws punches at an invisible opponent and enters the ring.

Wrestler Information
Name: Barney Green
Birth Date: 1/26/1983
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Clothing Information & Attire
In-Ring: White shirt, Green pants, black boots
Out-Of-Ring:Green Pinstriped suit

Achivemtents: N/A
Title History: N/A

Other Information
Member Since: January 2008
Manager: N/A
Stable: N/A
Tag Partner: N/A

Five Favorite Moves
Intelligent Diversion- Throat Punch
Rouke Bomb- Powerbomb
FoleyPlex- Fisherman SuplexDark
Dark Magic Attack- Double Arm DDT
Manatee Special- Russian Leg Sweep

*Bringing you quality wrestling since 2008*