AXW American.Xtreme.Wrestling

Tony Lunde

Vital Stats (Wrestling Information)
Height: 6'4
Weight: 224 lbs.
Entrance Music:"I'm Doing Alright" by Van Zant
Wrestling Style: High Flyer, Hardkore
Alligment: Face

Vital Stats (Body Information)
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Winter= Blue, Spring = Green, Summer= Blonde, Fall= Red
Injuries: N/A
Body Type: Fairly Built, Fast


Finishing Move: Goin Down Easy

Discription: Leap of Faith


Born and raised in waterloo, attended wrestling school in Algona Iowa along with long time friend Jake Durnin. After leaving the school, Jake and Tony went their separate ways for a bit. Jake did great, but Tony had a harder time. After meeting Jake a few years later he introduced him to AXW. After seeing the wrestlers and how they performed Tony wanted to be better then them. He spent a few months training harder. Getting his first break, Tony plans on changing the face of Wrestling.

Entrance Discription:
Run on the the entrance ramp, look at the crowd, clap hands, run and slide into the ring. i get onto a turnbuckle clap hands toward the crowd and do a backflip onto the mat.

Wrestler Infomation
Name: Tony Lunde
Birth Date: 8/15/1978
Hometown: Waterloo, Iowa

Clothing Information & Attire
In-Ring: Loose Jeans, and either a white or blank muscle t.
Out-Of-Ring: Jeans, T-shirt or Muscle T with a black cowboy hat and shades.

Achievements: N/A
Title History: N/A

Other Information
Member Since: January 2008
Manager: N/A
Stable: N/A
Tag Partner: N/A

Five Favorite Moves:
Whisper in the Wind = Whisper in the Wind
Backflip = Backflip 
Flying Clothesline = Flying Clothelsine 
Diving Leg Drop = Diving Leg Drop
Crossbody = Crossbody

*Bringing you quality wrestling since 2008*